Mixed Signal Oscilloscope


  • 2 Analog Inputs
  • Input Impedance: 1M?
  • Maximum Input Voltage: +/- 25V
  • (+/- 250V if using a 10:1 probe)
  • A/D Converter Resolution: 8 bits
  • Max Sample Rate: 16MS/s
  • 4 Digital Inputs: 3.3V level


Time Base (S/division): 1u 2u 5u 10u 20u 50u 100u 200u 500u 1m 2m 5m
10m 20m 50m 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20 50
Gain (Volts / division): 20m 50m 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5
  • Horizontal Cursors
  • Vertical Cursors
  • Automatic Average and Peak to Peak measurements
  • FFT and automatic search of fundamental frequency
  • Export to BMP through RS-232 using HyperTerminal
  • Save screenshots and data on the SD card
  • Analog trigger and external digital trigger
  • One time division consists of 16 pixels. Example: 5uS / division = 5uS / 16 pixels ==> 312.5nS / pixel
  • One gain division consists of 16 pixels

User Interface

The '*' Key exits from the current menu. If the current menu is the default menu, the '*' Key exits the MSO application.
The '#' Key shows a Help Screen.
If the '#' Key is pressed on the Help Screen, the oscilloscope will auto set the gain and sampling rate depending on the applied signals.
If the '*' Key is pressed on the Help Screen, the AWG can be controlled.

The numbers on the keypad select each menu:

Channel 1 Menu
Channel 2 Menu
Digital Input Menu
Trigger Type
Cursor Menu
Spectrum Analyzer
Trigger Source
Storage Menu
Voltmeter Menu
AWG Control
Display Menu
Auto Setup

Buttons KA thru KE select the function shown on the current menu at the bottom of the LCD. If there is no menu shown, then the default menu is active.

  KA KB KC KD KE Encoder 1 Encoder 2
default Run / Stop MSO FFT Meter X-Y Horizontal Position Sampling Rate
1: Channel 1 Menu Channel on/off Invert Channel Probe X1/X10 Average Samples CH1+CH2 CH1 position CH1 gain
2: Channel 2 Menu Channel on/off Invert Channel Probe X1/X10 Average Samples CH1*CH2 CH2 position CH2 gain
3: Digital Input Digital on/off Invert Channel Thick Low Serial Hex Display Parallel Hex Display Digital Position Digital Size
4: Trigger Type Force Trigger Free Normal Single Auto Trigger Delay Trigger Timeout
5: Cursor Menu


Lock Auto Set Vertical Cursors  CH1 Horizontal Cursors  CH2 Horizontal Cursors  Cursor 1 Cursor 2
6: Spectrum Analyzer Apply Logarithm Hamming Window Hann Window Cosine Window Triangle Window Horizontal Position Sampling Rate
7: Trigger Source CH1 CH2 External Trigger DAC Digital Inputs Trigger H Position Trigger Level
8: Storage Menu Save BMP data to SD Save CSV data to SD Save WFM data to SD Load WFM data from SD Erase WFM data from SD
9: Voltmeter Menu Auto Setup VAC VDC RMS Restart
0: Display Menu Persistent Mode Line / Dot Show Gain/Rate settings Change Grid type Backlight on/off
* : AWG Control Sine Square Triangle Exponential Toggle Encoder Frequency / offset Amplitude / Duty Cycle


Detailed Function Description


Default Menu

KA: Run / Stop KB: MSO KC: FFT KD: Meter KE: XY Mode
Starts or stops the data acquisition Sets the MSO mode Sets the Spectrum Analyzer Sets the Meter mode Sets the X-Y Mode

Menu 1: Channel 1

Toggles channel 1 on and off Inverts the channel Toggles between X1 probe or X10 probe Toggles between averaging on and off CH1 trace is replaced with CH1+CH2
ch1-on-off ch1-invert ch1-x10 ch1-average ch1-math

Menu 2: Channel 2

Toggles channel 2 on and off Inverts the channel Toggles between X1 probe or X10 probe Toggles between averaging on and off CH1 trace is replaced with CH1xCH2
ch2-on-off ch2-invert ch2-x10 ch2-average ch2-math

Menu 3: Digital Input

Toggles logic on and off Inverts the logic Thick or thin line when the input is low Shows the serial decoding Shows the parallel decoding
chd-on-off chd-invert chd-thick chd-serial chd-parallel

Serial Hex Display: Shows the hexadecimal value of the stream of bits on each channel. The decoding starts at the first vertical cursor and ends at the second vertical cursor, 8 bits are decoded.

Parallel Hex Display: Shows the hexadecimal value of the 4 bit digital input lines.


Menu 4: Trigger Type

KA: Force Trigger: Pressing the KA button will force a trigger.

KB: Free: The MSO trigger is free running, a new trace will be drawn when the last one ends.

KC: Normal: Trace when a trigger occurs

KD: Single: Trace once when a trigger occurs

KE: Auto: Trace when a trigger occurs, or when the trigger timeout is reached.


Menu 5: Cursors

KA: Reference Waveforms: A snapshot is taken of the analog waveforms to be used as reference waveforms.

KB: Lock Auto Set: The cursors are automatically set continuously in MSO and FFT modes

KC: Vertical Cursors: Toggles vertical cursors on and off.

KD: CH1 Horizontal Cursors: Toggles CH1 horizontal cursors on and off.

KE: CH2 Horizontal Cursors: Toggles CH2 horizontal cursors on and off.


Menu 6: Spectrum Analyzer

KA: Apply Logarithm: Apply Logarithm to the FFT

KB: Hamming Window: A Hamming window is used on the FFT.

KC: Hann Window: A Hann window is used on the FFT.

KD: Cosine Window: A Cosine window is used on the FFT.

KE: Triangle Window: A Triangle window is used on the FFT.


Menu 7: Trigger Source

KA: CH1: Select CH1 as the trigger source.

KB: CH2: Select CH2 as the trigger source.

KC: External Trigger: Select the external trigger input as the trigger source.

KD: DAC: Select the internal DAC as the trigger source.

KE: Digital Inputs: Select a digital input as the trigger source. Pressing KE will cycle thru all the different digital inputs.


Menu 8: Storage

KA: Save BMP screen to SD: A screen shot will be saved in a new file in BMP format.

KB: Save CSV data to SD: Save data to a new file in the SD in CSV format.

KC: Save WFM data to SD: Save data and settings to a new file in the SD in WFM format (internal binary format).

KD: Load WFM data from SD: Data will be loaded from an WFM file. Pressing the KE button will cycle thru all the saved WFM files.

KE: Erase WFM data from SD: The last loaded WFM file will be erased.

Each file format has 1000 available slots, named GT000.ext thru GT999.ext, ext is the extension (BMP, CSV or WFM)


Menu 9: Voltmeter

KA: Auto Setup: Toggles the automatic setup. When enabled, the device will continuously adjust the gain, sampling rate and trigger levels.

KB: VAC: Calculates the DC component of the voltage.

KC: VDC: Calculates the AC component of the voltage.

KD: RMS: Calculates the RMS, which is SQRT (AC2+DC2).

KE: Restart: Restarts the time counter, minimum value, maximum value and the cumulative moving average.

Menu 0: Display Options

Sets persistent mode Selects line or dot display Display gain and sampling rate Selects the grid type Toggles the backlight on and off
display-persist display-line display-show display-grid display-bklite


Persistent Mode: The persistent display is useful as a simple data logger or to catch glitches in the waveform.
The persistent mode can also be used to make frequency plots by varying the frequency of the input signal.

Dot dispay: The dot display is useful at slow sampling rates or when used in combination with the persistent mode.


Menu * : AWG Control

KA: Sine: Selects a sine wave for the AWG.

KB: Square: Selects a square wave for the AWG.

KC: Triangle: Selects a triangle wave for the AWG.

KD: Exponential: Selects an exponential wave for the AWG.

KE: Change Encoders:Toggles Encoders control from ( Frequency / Amplitude ) or ( Offset / Duty Cycle ).


capture BMP Screen Capture


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You should get a Nobel Prize for the Xprotolab.  Way cool.  So happy I chose this scope.

Chuck Linskens
CRL Engineering


Official PayPal Seal
