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Look at the Xmegalab, it is an enhanced version of the XMultiKit, the XMultiKit is now discontinued.
Firmware Status (2010/08/10 - v1.00)
XMultiKit is a development board for AVR XMEGA microcontrollers, a dual channel oscilloscope, an arbitrary waveform generator and a scientific calculator.
There are five applications programmed on the device:
1) SD: The SD Card demo is based on ChaN's FatFs demo project. The application will initialize the SD card and initialize the FAT system, then, HyperTerminal is used to interface with the SD Card.
2) AWG: An Arbitrary Waveform generator that outputs the standard waveforms of a function generator and can adjust the frequency, amplitude, offset and duty cycle of the selected waveform.
3) MSO: A Mixed Signal Oscilloscope. It has all the common features found on most digital scopes and more: Individual channel control, trigger control, math, spectrum analyzer, cursors, logic analyzer with parallel and serial decoding, waveform save to SD card, multimeter mode.
4) CHESS: Chess game. The source code is based on Andre Adrian's AVR-Max, a port of Micro-Max by H. G. Muller.
5) CALC: A scientific calculator that uses a recursive descent parser to solve arbitrary math expressions. It can also to plot basic 2D and 3D graphs.